Monographic collection "Estudos e Documentos" 22 - A Condição de Ilhéu
A Condição de Ilhéu, Roberto Carneiro, Onésimo Teotónio Almeida e Artur Teodoro de Matos (coord.), Lisboa, CEPCEP, 2017, 691 p.+ CD (Estudos e Documentos, 22), ISBN 978-972-9045-39-4
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A Condição de Ilhéu, led by Professors Roberto Carneiro, Onésimo Teotónio Almeida and Artur Teodoro de Matos, has the participation of 63 authors with the following geographical impact: 39 wrote about the Azores, 11 about Cape Verde, 10 about Madeira and 3 about S. Tomé and Príncipe. The aim of this publication was to examine the soul of the islander in the various fields in which it can be analyzed, such as literature, psychology, art, culture, music, philosophy, ethnography, etc. It was a project thought for several years and finally conceived and realized in about a year and a half.
Each article has an opening illustration by Luís de Abreu. A CD was published with the book, which consists of a collection of poems from the four archipelagos, music and interpreted by the Azorean Carlos Alberto Moniz.
A serigraphy was also made based on an unprecedented work by Madeiran Teresa Lobo, in a reduced edition of 50 copies sold separately (180,00 €).
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