Universidade Católica Portuguesa
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Journal "Povos e Culturas"

Povos e Culturas, 23 - A Sociedade do Cuidado


A Sociedade do Cuidado. Cuidar do outro, de si e do mundo no século XXI, Fernando Ilharco (coord.), Lisboa, Universidade Católica Editora, 2021 (Povos e Culturas, 23), ISBN 9489725407714 



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The 21st century has been marked by increasing attention and care for the living conditions of humanity, respect for all human beings, equality of rights and duties, the fight against poverty, access to health and education, respect for minorities, social, ethical and moral responsibility, the fight against global warming, the sustainability of the lifestyle of the most developed countries and the new  hallenges that emerging economies pose to a globalized world.
This work focuses on this complex theme, presenting a multifaceted reflection on care – caring for others, the world and oneself.
This is a type of reflection, whose pertinence was reinforced by the Covid-19 pandemic, as we see the social, global and interconnected nature of humanity, which we understand, and intend to be, structuring for the future of global human society.


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