Universidade Católica Portuguesa
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Congresses and seminars

Congres «Crime, (Re) Integration and Well-being» (2012)

União Meridianos, with the scientific collaboration of CEPCEP from the Portuguese Catholic University, organised the IIIrd International Juvenile Justice Congress, that has been held in Lisbon from 19th to 21st November, 2012.

Under the theme: "Crime, (Re) Integration and Well-being", the Congress brough together researchers, experts, academics, politicians, local representatives and families, to share, disseminate and develop new knowledge enabling positive changes dealing with institutionalized young offenders.

During three days, experts and academics from various countries presented the results of their experience and research about new kinds of juvenile delinquency which arise from the social changes we are experimenting. In particular, the Congress, while addressing the sustainability models of well-being as a way to reach autonomy and overcome the delinquent personality, will also looked into ways of promoting a full social reintegration.

The Congress approached several aspects regarding young offenders and their well-being: the study of a behavioural patterns, the consecuence of new crimes, the legal response in different countries, processes of reintegration based on the formation of dreams and fulfilling personal ambitions, etc.

Hence, the debate on current perspectives and practices wastherefore a unique opportunity for establishing contacts and exchange experiences with professionals, academics and experts in the field of Juvenile Justice from all over the world.

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