Universidade Católica Portuguesa
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Centro de Estudos dos Povos e Culturas de Expressão PortuguesaHome | Return | Print


The Modernization of the Political System in Portugal, Democracy and Civic Participation (2015-2017)

In order to stimulate systematic and multidisciplinary research in the fields of politico-institutional reform, democracy and civic participation in Portugal, the Catholic University of Portugal's Research Center on Peoples and Cultures created a new research program under the scientific and editorial coordination of Professor André Corrêa d'Almeida, from Columbia University.

The goal of this new research program was toward a scientific contribution for the development of a reconciliatory ethics in politics, which is capable of addressing the politico-institutional barriers that compromise both sustainable development and the legitimate individual and collective aspirations of the Portuguese people. 

While research proposals can focus on any of the three fields listed in the title of this announcement, all proposals should include at minimum (1) a problem formulation section; (2) a national historical perspective of the subject being researched; (3) an international comparative analysis; (4) alternative solution-based scenarios; and (5) a discussion on the role of new information and communication technologies in supporting any proposed resolutions.

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