Universidade Católica Portuguesa
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Avaliação externa e independente das políticas públicas dos Planos e Programa para o período 2014-2017 (2018)

Project – External and independent assessment of public policies on Gender Equality, Eradication of Gender Violence, Female Genital Mutilation and Trafficking in Human Beings. The plans were:

• V National Plan for Gender Equality, Citizenship and Non-Discrimination
• V National Plan for Preventing and Combating Intimate and Gender Violence
• III Program of Action for the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation
• III National Plan for Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings
Approved by the Portuguese Government – Council of Ministers Resolution (RCM) n.º 101/2013, 102/2013 e 103/2013 of December 31st.

This project developed from March to June 2018. The research team was composed by: Fernando Chau (General Coord.), Cândida Soares, Maria Ana Carneiro, Ana Rita Faria, José António Sousa Fialho, Carlos Liz, João Carneiro.

You can see here the FINAL REPORT and the ANEXES.

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