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New Job Skill Needs and the Low-Skilled (1996-1999)

Projecto conjunto com o Centre for Economic Performance da London School of Economics and Political Science (Londres), o Industriens Utrednigsinstitut (Estocolmo), o Max Goote Centre for Vocational and Training (Amesterdão), o Stockholm Institute of Education (Estocolmo) e o Centre Europeen de Recherche Scientifique - CEREQ (Marselha); 1996-1999.

Artigos publicados:

CARNEIRO, Roberto, CONCEIÇÃO, Pedro, «Achieving a Minimum Learning Platform for All: critical queries influencing strategies and policy options», European Journal of Education, vol. 37- New Skills, nº 3, 2002, pp. 301-309.

CARNEIRO, Roberto, CONCEIÇÃO, Pedro, «Beyond Formal Education: learning-by-doing, ICT adoption and the competitiveness of a traditional Portuguese sector», European Journal of Education, vol.37 - New Skills, nº 3, 2002, pp. 263-280.

STEEDMAN, Hilary, CARNEIRO,Roberto, «Editorial», European Journal of Education, vol. 37- New Skills, nº 3, 2002, pp. 225-228.


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