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GREENET - Euro network supporting innovation for green jobs (2014-2015)


GREENET aimed to strength the collaboration between private and public actors to close the gap between the supply and demand of jobs in the labour markets of energy and gas sectors. The Electricity and Gas industries are at the core of areas of activity as the production of energy using renewal methods has a direct impact on the air quality and, moreover, on the environment as a whole. Beside, energy efficiency methods reduce the demand for energy.
The project initiated an active European network composed of electricity and gas suppliers, companies, public institutions, education institutions. This network/platform will be the basis for training the employees working especially within the field of electricity and gas with the newest skills required on the labour market, meaning re-skilling or updating of skills for a changing labour market. The network, as a practical tool will offer the information about the changes within the labour market in terms of the skills need for a green economy and a basis for training and retraining of the employees from the field o electricity. Events organised focused on innovative methods and possibility to implement them in the other countries involved in the action and at EU level. As a result of all debates and seminars, a framework for occupational and qualifications standards will be developed and presented to the public authorities.

The general objective had achieved by the following specific objectives:
1. Evaluate the situation regarding the need for skills or re-skilling of employees in the framework of Europe 2020 strategy and stimulate the debate between different stakeholders on innovative methods for re – skilling the employees, especially regarding green labour market.
2. Disseminate the outputs of the evaluation of the labour market (supply and demand) and of the debates.
3. Set up the network of  institutions, companies, NGOs,  as an e- learning platform for training and re-training the employees  for a green labour market
4. Assess the impact of innovative methods for green skills generation and on the further needs for training according to the demand on the labour market in the field of electricity and gas at European level
5. Drafting recommendations for decision makers in order to develop employment and training policies to ensure adequate, reliable skills for a green labour market, including elaboration of a framework for occupational and qualifications standards and curricula for education of adults

The GREENET project was financially supported by the European Community Programme for Employment and Social Security, Progress Program (2007-2013). The leading partner is the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly from Romania and it involves more seven partners: Ekonomski Institut Maribor Ekonomske Raziskave in Pdjetnistvo Soo (Slovenia), Expertise France (France), Hrvatski Zavod za Zaposljavanje (Croatia), Instituito de Formacion Integral SL (Spain), Media One SRL (Romania), R.D.I. Zeuseuropa LTD (Cyprus) and CEPCEP – Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal). The GREENET started in October 2014 and ended in September 2015.

WORSHOP IN PARIS - 5 February 2015

Presentations to this meeting


WORSHOP IN ZAGREB - 26 February 2015

Strategic determinants for green growth and green economy

Connecting education and labour market demand

Green employment opportunities

Vocational education for green skills

Employers’ needs: qualifications and competences needed on the Croatian labour market

Example of good practice: IPA projects implemented

Project CROSKILLS II: qualification and training of construction workers

Energy efficiency – KNX model

Can renewable energy sources reduce gas and electricity consumption through green jobs? Reality or utopia?



Challenges concerning training in green jobs at national and local level

The Genies in Transylvania Brasov, Romania Sustainable Energy University

Ballancing labour force supply and demand on a greener economy

Sliding from blue to green collar jobs: study case UGIR members

Training and identification of re-skilling programs design and implementation to avoid skills mismatch and promote efficient HR use

Employment and vocational training policies for a Green Labour Market

Technical and Vocational Education and Training system in Romania


WORSHOP IN MADRID - 28 April 2015

Innovative training and retraining methods in the field of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply

Green Jobs Programme and the use of EU Structural Funds to promote green jobs to a green business



Potential of green jobs in green economy

GREEN Business and Industry Zone Tezno, Maribor

Opportunities for the development of green jobs

Green development model of Šentrupert Municipality

Competence Centers for Human Resource Development in Enterprises and Economic Sectors

Professional qualifications in the field of environment protection in Slovenia

Sustainable / Green Development businesses

Energy efficiency for greater competitiveness

Project Recovery and training center for installers of RES

Cohesion policy 2014-20 and the role of Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs

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