Universidade Católica Portuguesa
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Centro de Estudos dos Povos e Culturas de Expressão PortuguesaHome | Return | Print

Current activities

Em Português - Speaking, Living and Thinking in the 21st Century




Beira, Díli, Lisboa, Luanda, MacauPernambuco, Praia

 Project launched by CEPCEP, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, in partnership with Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (Brazil), Universidade de São José (Macau/China), Universidade Nacional de Timor-Leste (Timor), Universidade de Cabo Verde, Universidade Católica de Angola and Universidade Católica de Moçambique

What is it to live in the 21st century, having as matrix, as official language or everyday language and universe, the Portuguese language and cultures? The aim of this project is to think about, and influence, the contemporary global reality from the point of view of the peoples, cultures and countries that have Portuguese as their base language, matrix and culture of intercultural experience, at its most fundamental as a model to access reality.

In a philosophical and scientific framework that defends language and culture as the foundation of reality, this project questions what it is to live, work, think and live in Portuguese in the global world. From a scientific perspective, the project aims at discussing life in Portuguese from today's global world, decentring the reflection from geographical or national contexts and focusing it on language, on its shaping of human experience, on history and people's way of being, on cultures as bridges to the future. It is also intended that this project, through the entities that collaborate in it, and others that may join it, launch new international research projects within the framework of the themes under analysis.

CEPCEP launched this project in 2021, inviting, and continuing to invite, as partners, study centres of Catholic and other universities from all Portuguese-speaking countries and other places where Portuguese-speaking culture is present or has left its mark, such as Goa, Malaysia, Japan, and also Europe and the USA, where Portuguese-speaking emigration communities are relevant.

A first result of this project is the publication in 2022 of a book on the theme in question, with authors from Europe, South and North America, Africa and Asia. This work will be launched in mid 2022.

For 2023 the first Congress 'In Portuguese - speaking, living and thinking in the 21st century' is expected to take place, a meeting that is intended to be held every two years throughout the Portuguese-speaking world.


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