Research Reindustrialização da Economia Portuguesa: Impacto no Emprego, Profissões e Competências (2013-2015)
6 Jun 15 Jun 23 Jun
The Portuguese Government published the STRATEGY FOR GROWTH, EMPLOYMENT and INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 2013-2020 with strong emphasis on:
• A strong industrial network, renewed and innovative throughout all stages of the value chain, able to compete internationally and to differentiate itself by the quality of its products and services;
• Fostering Private Investment;
• Increasing Companies' Export Capacity;
• Private initiative talented at generating new opportunities for sustained employment;
• Skilled human resources, able to respond to private initiative needs;
• Raising R&D and innovation efforts.
This research project, financed by POAT-FSE, had the following work streams:
1. Research on the investment required for reindustrialization;
2. Identify reindustrialization impacts on employment in the most dynamic sectors of Manufacturing Industries;
3. Identify, within each scenario, the most demanded occupations due to reindustrialization.
The aims of the current research were:
4. Identify the dynamics of reindustrialization, sustained by higher exports and substitution of imports;
5. Identify the medium and long term trends of reindustrialization, namely on employment, occupations, skills and competences in Portugal;
6. Evaluate plausible alternative scenarios of reindustrialization up to 2020, supported by contributions from the results of Focus Group.
In particular, this research seeked to:
1. Identify the main branches of Manufacturing Industry with greater potential for exports/ substitution of imports;
2. Provide estimates of potential impacts in total employment by occupational group in Manufacturing Industries due to reindustrialization;
3. Evaluate the potential demand for skills and competences due to reindustrialization;
4. Update the methodology of Portuguese economy Input/output matrix to 2010.
The potential beneficiaries of the results of this research are:
1. Agencies working on planning, regulation and implementation of industrial policies.
2. People working in Clusters of Competitiveness and Internationalisation (Pólos de Competitividade e Internacionalização).
3. Managers of Operational Programmes (Programas Operacionais).
4. Social partners, in particular employers' associations and labour representatives.
5. Education and Research institutions in the fields of social sciences and economics.
6. Services at EC and international organizations with a role in policy design.
In particular, potential users of the results of this research are:
• Agencies and services of the Ministries of Economy and Innovation, and of Employment and Social Security
The team is composed by: Roberto Carneiro, Ana Cláudia Valente, Fernando Chau, Daniel Santos, Machado Lopes, Cândida Soares, José de Sousa Fialho e Andrea Martins dos Santos.
1st Workshop - 9 April 2014
Invitation and Agenda
Presentation1 Presentation 2
2nd Workshop - 7 October 2014
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3
Presentation 4 Presentation 5 Presentation 6
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