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ESAP - Employability and Skills Anticipation Policies: a Social ROI Approach (2012-2014)

Project "Employability and Skills Anticipation Policies: a Social ROI Approach" will create value through inclusive growth based on knowledge, ensuring lifelong skills and acquisition of more competitive qualifications; adjust to the new market demands. Coming from a debate concerning the unemployment crisis vs increasing skills, oriented toward market needs and the facilitator' role of stakeholders, the project aims at calculating the social ROI from public Employment and VET policies and the major challenge of forecasting skills supply and demand; sectorial level analysis; employers' survey on skills needs; focus on learning outcomes. The ultimate concern will be to achieve a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

To measure the return on investment of active Employment and VET policies and promoting the involvement of stakeholders in the analysis of present and future skills needed by the labour market, within a local/regional framework and sectorial perspective; promoting the reflection about recognition of employability skills and dissemination products at European/national/local level.

Project's Partnership: Câmara Municipal de Loures (líder) (Portugal), CECOA - Centro de Formação Profissional para o Comércio e Afins (Portugal), Universidade Católica Portuguesa, The Social Return on Investmnet Network (United Kingdom), Fundacion para la Formacion, la Cualificacion y el Empleo (Spain), Tempo Training and Consulting (Czech Republic) and Riga Tehniska Universitate (Latvia).

UCP-CEPCEP project team: Roberto Carneiro, Ana Cláudia Valente, José de Sousa Fialho and Maria Cândida Soares.

More information at http://www.esap-europa.eu.



Newsletter nº 1    Newsletter nº 2    Newsletter nº 3   Newsletter nº 4   Newletter nº 5

Report 1 - Guidelines for Country Reports

Report 2 - Active Employment and Training Policies: Portugal

Report 3 - Empregabilidade, Mercado de Trabalho e Políticas Ativas de Emprego

Report 4 - Active Employment and Training Policies: Synthesis Report

Report 5 - Country Report: Czech Republic

Report 6 - Country Report: Latvia

Report 7 - Country Report: Spain

Report 8 - Country Report: United Kingdom

Report 9 - WP1. Active Employment and Training Policies: Synthesis Report

Report 10 - Active Employment and Training Policies: Synthesis Report



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